At Sales Pros 360...

Our passion is our purpose.

We are a group of highly-experienced, seasoned veterans in the retail flooring sales industry who are passionate about helping  other salespeople chase their dreams, achieve their goals, grow their incomes and grow their professional careers.
Those are the RESULTS that matter most to us. 
That is our PASSION.
That is our PURPOSE.

Paul Trau

Why do I think I can help others? I have been in the retail flooring industry for all of my professional life. I grew up in a five-store family business in Atlanta. Since then I have been blessed with roles that put me in the position of working with and for some of the best retailers and retail sales professionals in the country. 

But my personal experiences and opinions aren't important. What I do think is important is how I can share the invaluable knowledge that I have learned from those top performers to help others be as successful as they desire to be. We take what we do VERY seriously. Ourselves? Not so much.
days in retail flooring
lessons learned
6,432, 110
Others helped
“You can have everything in life you want, 
if you will just help other people get what they want..”

— Zig Ziglar

Words I live by

Continuous improvement
is the goal of all professionals